uranium series

美 [juˈreɪniəm ˈsɪriːz]英 [juˈreɪniəm ˈsɪəriːz]
  • 网络铀系
uranium seriesuranium series
  1. Uranium series dating and its application in sedimentological studies of South China Sea


  2. Uranium series dating technique is the important means of Quaternary chronology .


  3. Studies on the uranium series component dating method for young volcanic rocks


  4. The measurement of uranium series of carbonate standards


  5. Determination of Age for Standard Carbonate Samples by TIMS with Uranium series Age Method


  6. Uranium series chronological sequence of some Palaeolithic sites in South China


  7. The important technique of dating quaternary : uranium series dating technique by thermal ionization mass spectrometry


  8. TIMS uranium series method for coral dating and paleoenvironment research


  9. Study on uranium series dating of fossil bones and teeth from Zhoukoudian site


  10. Application of the uranium series method to the study on the depositional rate of DElP-SEA sediments in South China Sea


  11. Study of the Paleoclimate Based on the Comparison Between Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Uranium Series Dating and Oxygen Isotopes


  12. Experimental results of coral dating and paleoenvironment studies by using the thermal ionization spectrometry ( TIMS ) uranium series method were introduced .


  13. According to the basic principle in uranium series disequilibrium , a calculating method for the mixing ratio of a three source recharge system of groundwater is raised .


  14. Research on the High Precision ICP-MS Uranium Series Chronology of Cave Stalagmites and the Paleo-climatic Changes in the South-Western Karst Region , P.R. China


  15. Cave stalagmites , corals , lake sediments are suitable for dating using the thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS ) uranium series method . 1 were dated with uranium series dating .


  16. The age of stalagmite was determined by high precise thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS ) with uranium series age method . Uranium content and age of the standard carbonate were in agreement with standard values .


  17. The determination , of uranium series absolute age , calcium carbonate content and spore-pollen analysi of core 317-82-29 ( 2 ) conclude that the sediments in the piston core were formed during the Late Quaternary .


  18. Uranium - series dating of young geologic bodies


  19. Preliminary discussion on porphyry uranium metallogenic series


  20. Measurement of nuclides of uranium and thorium series of disequilibrium using γ - spectroscopy


  21. In this survey , the surface γ dosage , radioactivity specific activity , uranium and thorium series equilibrium , the content of radioactive element of three kinds of typical Chinese zircon mineral has been analyzed , and the component and radioactivity of zircon in Wanning , Hainan Province tested .


  22. The relations between the earth 's crust type and uranium and metallic mineralization series of Yunnan Province


  23. Petrological characteristics of meta tuffite in Lower Cambrian uranium rich black shale series in northern Guangxi and southwestern Hunan


  24. Gold , uranium and thorium abundance series and evolution in East Dabie orogenic belt as well as their relationship with uranium and gold mineralization


  25. A Study of the Formation Process and Ore-Prospecting Indicators of the Sandstone Type Uranium Deposits in the Light of Uranium Series Isotopes


  26. The time scale and intensity of the water rock interaction in a uranium deposit can be semi quantitatively assessed using uranium series disequilibrium .


  27. The study of U-Pb isotopic systems with representative volcanite type uranium deposits in Gan-Hang tectonic belts indicates that the uranium source was mainly derived from the rich uranium volcanic rock series .


  28. By compiling 1 ∶ 200 000 uranium geologic map , applying theory of geologically anomalous area and tectonic lithofacies domain , the time space structure of uranium deposit series in northern Guangdong is studied and summarized .
